The Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers will be in San Francisco, CA from March 29 to April 2.
A large number of Geothinkers will be presenting at this year’s American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA the last week in March. You won’t want to miss two of our co-applicants and one of our students making presentations on Tuesday in the 10:00 AM session Data in action: Tracing the open data experiment. Other highlights include Renee Sieber and Sarah Elwood as panellists in Gender & GIScience.
Below we’ve compiled the schedule for all of Geothink’s co-applicants, collaborators and students who will be presenters, panelists, organizers, and chairs during the conference. Find a PDF of this program here. We hope you find this useful for finding the right sessions to join. You can also find the full searchable preliminary AAG program here.
If you’re not able to make the conference, you can follow along on Twitter and use our list of Twitter handles below to join the conversation with our participants.
Join the Conversation on Twitter:
Alex Aylett: @openalex_ Peter Johnson: @peterajohnson
Tenille Brown: @TenilleEBrown Pamela Robinson: @pjrplan
Jonathan Corbett: @joncorbett Teresa Scassa: @teresascassa
Sarah Elwood: @SarahElwood1 Renee Sieber: @RE_Sieber
Victoria Fast: @VVFast Suthee Sangiambut: @notgregorypeck
Sara Harrison: @Sara_Harrison79 Scott Bell: @scottyBgeo
Stéphane Roche: @Geodoc31
And remember to use the conference hashtag #AAG2016 and our hashtag #Geothink or handle @geothinkca when you Tweet.
Come to our Sessions at AAG 2015:
Tuesday, March 29
- 8:20 AM Tenille Brown presenting The Dreamcatcher “Spatial Heritage Database:” The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, Land Boundaries, Technological Innovation in the 8:00 AM session on The ontological turn, conversations between political ecology and legal geography I: Politics of indigeneity, the law, and rights. Union Square 19, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
- 10:00 AM Peter Johnson presenting Reflecting on the Success of Open Data: How Municipal Governments Evaluate Open Data Programs in the 10:00 AM session on Data in action: Tracing the open data experiment. Nikko Ballroom III, Hotel Nikko, 3rd Floor.
- 11:00 AM Suthee Sangiambut presenting Are Citizen-Government Relations Improved by Open Data? in the 10:00 AM session on Data in action: Tracing the open data experiment. Nikko Ballroom III, Hotel Nikko, 3rd Floor.
- 11:20 AM Jon Corbett presenting Mind the Gap: an empirical look at the relationship between open data and social justice in the 10:00 AM session on Data in action: Tracing the open data experiment. Nikko Ballroom III, Hotel Nikko, 3rd Floor.
- 12:40 PM Renee Sieber and Sarah Elwood as panellists in Gender & GIScience. Paris North, Marker Hotel, Lobby Level.
- 1:20 PM Sara Harrison presenting Crowdsourcing in Emergency Management: A comparative analysis of crowdsourcing adoption by governments in the United States and Canada in the 12:40 PM session on Hazards and GIScience. Union Square 10, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
Wednesday, March 30
- 1:20 PM Sarah Elwood chairing the session Relational Poverty 2: Alternative Poverty Knowledges. Union Square 20, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
- 4:20 PM Teresa Scassa presenting Mapping Crime: Civic Technology in the Emerging Smart Cities Context in the 3:20 PM session on Toward a Geographical Software Studies 3: The visual and control. Union Square 16, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
Thursday, March 31
- 8:00 AM Renee Sieber as a discussant in Constructively Critical GIS. Golden Gate 3, Hilton Hotel, Lobby Level.
- 8:00 AM Sarah Elwood chairing (and as organizer) of the session on Relational Poverty 5: Authors meet critics – Roy & Crane’s Territories of Poverty: Rethinking North and South. Golden Gate 2, Hilton Hotel, Lobby Level.
- 9:00 AM Piotr Jankowski presenting on Geo-questionnaires in Urban Planning: assessing spatial representativeness, recruitment methods, and data quality in applications from Poland and Finland in the 8:00 AM session on Participatory Regional Development and Planning. Union Square 15, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
- 10:00 AM Sarah Elwood chairing the session on Relational Poverty 6: Solidarity Economy Post-Capitalist Practices and the Geographies of Exclusion and Marginalization. Union Square 16, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
- 1:20 PM Renee Sieber as an organizer of Disrupt Geo 1: New ideas from the front lines of maps, mobile, and big data. Plaza B, Hilton Hotel, Lobby Level.
- 3:20 PM Renee Sieber as an organizer of Disrupt Geo 2: new ideas from the front lines of maps, mobile, and big data. Plaza B, Hilton Hotel, Lobby Level.
Check out the event website here: http://aagmapathon.org/disrupt-geo.html. - 3:20 PM Qing Lu presenting Potential and challenges of mobile technologies in the public sector: a case study of 311 requests in Edmonton, Canada in the 3:20 PM Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Urban Analytics (II). Union Square 18, Hilton Hotel, 4th Floor.
- 6:00 PM Scott Bell presenting Leveraging Sensor Networks to Study Human Spatial Behavior in the 5:20 PM Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Space-Time Analytics (Technologies). Lombard Room, Hilton Hotel, 6th Floor.
Friday, April 1
- 8:00 AM Alex Aylett as the organizer of Smart + Sustainable? 1: A critical look at digitally-enabled green urbanism. Continental 7, Hilton Hotel, Ballroom Level.
- 9:20 AM Pamela Robinson as a discussant in Smart + Sustainable? 1: A critical look at digitally-enabled green urbanism. Continental 7, Hilton Hotel, Ballroom Level.
- 10:00 AM Alex Aylett as a discussant in Smart + Sustainable? 2: A critical look at digitally-enabled green urbanism. Continental 7, Hilton Hotel, Ballroom Level.
- 11:00 AM Pamela Robinson presenting Green Tools: Is Civic Tech Advancing Environmental Action and Governance? in the 10:00 AM session Smart + Sustainable? 2: A critical look at digitally-enabled green urbanism. Continental 7, Hilton Hotel, Ballroom Level.
- 1:20 PM Renee Sieber as a panellist in the Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: A Dark Side to Data-Centric Geography? Where are the Reward Systems? Golden Gate 3, Hilton Hotel, Lobby Level.
- 1:20 PM Alex Aylett chairing (and as organizer) of Smart + Sustainable? 3: A critical look at digitally-enabled green urbanism. Continental 7, Hilton Hotel, Ballroom Level.
- 3:20 PM Pamela Robinson as discussant and Alex Aylett chairing (and as organizer) of Smart + Sustainable? 4: Panel discussion. Continental 7, Hilton Hotel, Ballroom Level.
Saturday, April 2
- 8:00 AM Sarah Elwood as a panellist in Relational Poverty 12, Author meets critics: G DeVerteuil’s (2015) ‘Resilience in the Post-welfare Inner City: Voluntary Sector Geographies in London, Los Angeles and Sydney.’ Golden Gate 3, Hilton Hotel, Lobby Level.
- 3:20 PM Victoria Fast presenting Crop locations and school districts’ perceptions of local food in the 2:00 PM session on Monitoring Food Security I: Systems, Networks and Data. Lombard Room, Hilton Hotel, 6th Floor.
If you have thoughts or questions about this article, get in touch with Drew Bush, Geothink’s digital journalist, at drew.bush@mail.mcgill.ca.
Image Source: Zheng Zeng, Creative Commons 4.0